Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yoga for Eyes

As English saying goes "Every coin has two sides". A progress in technology is one side, the effects are the other side. As we always look forward only progress and neglects the effect causing us ill health.
In the present sedentary occupations, westernized life style, odd working timings, all round pollution and physical and mental stress & strain have become part of our lives due to highly competitive present day world. As we are all well aware, computers have become part and parcel of every ones life right from tiny tots to the aged. Which is causing various health problems like back pain, insomnia, B.P, gastric problems etc. Of all the health issues eye problems like Computer vision syndrome, refractive errors etc. with symptoms like eye pain, burning, itching, blurred vision are most common in all the computer users irrespective of age and gender.


The marvelous creation of nature is human body. Among the entire different body organs eye is known as most complex organ. Its amazing to know that the small organ involves so many other body parts to complete the function.

When we look for remedy prevention is better than cure

Here comes Yoga the ancient tool for the modern problems.

Tam yogamithi manyathe sthiram indriyadaranam …… khato upanisah

According to khato Upanishad Yoga is to gain mastery on senses.

The very unique Technique to Protect, Strengthen and to de sensitize your eyes is Tratakka, one of the great Kriya (cleansing techniques). The practice of Trataka includes preparatory exercise; strengthen the eye muscles,
three different types of gazing i.e focusing, intensive focusing and de focusing helps in movement of lens etc.,
the different types of palming (Relaxation technique) to eyes helps to release deep rooted stress and strain.
Benefits: the practice of trataka not only helps to release stress & strain but also helps in correcting refraction errors, squint eye etc. helps to have bright and radiant eyes. Improves concentration, will power and determination etc. people with insomenia, long sight and short sight.

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