Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cross the Border if U Dare!!!!

 Hello Friends....... 

Subject: Where to Cross The Border?

If You Cross The North KoreanBorder Illegally You Get 12 Years Hard Labour.

If You Cross The IranianBorder Illegally You Are Detained Indefinitely.

If You Cross The AfghanBorder Illegally, You Get Shot.

If You Cross The Saudi ArabianBorder Illegally You Will Be Jailed.

If You Cross The ChineseBorder Illegally You May Never Be Heard Again.

If You Cross The VenezuelanBorder Illegally You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.

If You Cross The CubanBorder Illegally You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot.

If You Enter BritainIllegally You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported

If You Are A Pakistani or a BangladeshiAnd Illegally Cross The Indian BorderYou Get
-  A Ration Card,
-  Passport ( 1 or more)
-  Haz Subsidy,
-  A Drivers License,
-  Voter Identity Card,
-  Job Reservation,
-  Special Privileges,
-  Credit Cards,
-  Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House,
-  Free Education,
-  Free Health Care,
-  A Lobbyist In New Delhi ,with a ready Television Channel & group of expert human right activists.
-  The right to talk about secularism, which was not heard of back home

And Ofcourse - Voting Rights!!

Hats off to the ********* in Delhi!!!!!!!!!!  & pseudosecularists in society, who elect them.

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