Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rules of hindi movies

Rules of Hindi Movies...

1. The number of heroes should be equal to the number of heroines. If not, the excess heroes/heroines will die at the end.

2. If there are two heroes in a movie, they will fight each other savagely for at least 20 minutes (10 if they are brothers)

3. The hero's sister will usually marry the hero's best friend (i.e. the second hero). Else, the villain will rape her within the first 30 minutes, and commit suicide

5. Any movie involving lost and found brothers will have a song sung by the brothers or Their blind mother

6. Police inspectors (when not played by the hero) come as scrupulously honest such as the
hero's father, probably killed by the villian before the titles

7. There are only two classes in society.
1) Very rich and 2) Very poor. There is no middle class

8. All cities are located near a mountain or at least a hill to facilitate chasing of cars on
dangerous tracks

9. All heroes have training in martial arts and driving all kinds of vehicles (including horses)

10. If one car is chasing the other, one of them definitely come across a hand-cart containing
fruits (generally watermelons)

11. If heroine's parents are going for an arranged marriage, the boy selected, in 90% cases, is the villain

12. All honest factory owners have corrupt managers.

13. Heroes generally approach temples at night when there is a heavy thunderstorm

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